Month: March 2024

Format of Typical Case History Report

Format of Typical Case History Report

A case history report is conventionally prefaced by a brief description of the patient and their complaint. This serves to orientate the reader and also to summarize data that will subsequently be important for both diagnosis and treatment. Patient details Past medical history (PMH) Medication history Family history (FH) Social history (SH) Systematic examination Investigations…

Effects of Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Tendencies on the Biological Properties of Drugs

Effects of Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Tendencies on the Biological Properties of Drugs

  The characteristics conferred by predominant hydrophilic or lipophilic properties. Most drugs need both properties: lipophilic to cross membranes; hydrophilic to enable transport in and distribution by body fluids.   Predominantly lipophilic   Predominantly hydrophilic Read also:

Drug Interacting Substances

Drug Interacting Substances

  Xenobiotics, whether they are drugs or not, can influence the activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes in a variety of ways.   Inducers: are xenobiotics that cause an increase in the drug-metabolizing activity of a target enzyme, usually by increasing the concentration of the enzyme in the liver or other tissue. Several CYP450 enzymes and glucuronosyltransferases…

Cholinergic Receptors and Their Major Pharmacological Effects

Cholinergic Receptors and Their Major Pharmacological Effects

Cholinergic Receptors are those receptors which respond to the transmitter acetylcholine and are mostly parasympathetic. Here is a list of cholinergic receptors and their major pharmacological effects:   Eye   Heart   Blood vessels   Lungs   GI tract   Urinary bladder   Sex organs   Skeletal muscle   Pancreas Read also:

Adrenergic Receptors and Their Predominant Physiological Effects

Adrenergic Receptors and Their Predominant Physiological Effects

Adrenergic receptors, also known as adrenoceptors, are cell surface glycoproteins that recognize and selectively bind the catecholamines, norepinephrine and epinephrine to stimulate the nerves in your body’s sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Here is a list of cholinergic receptors and their major pharmacological effects:   Eye   Heart   Blood vessels   Lungs   GI tract…